Current Issue

Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Research Article

Review Article

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet KAMACI sakarya uygulamalı bilimler üniversitesi
Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Growth, Inflation, Employment, Development Economics - Macro
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet DOĞAN OSMANİYE KORKUT ATA ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-7116-3558
Management Information Systems, Decision Support and Group Support Systems, Information Systems Organisation and Management
Dr. Instructor Ahmet AYAZ KARADENİZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0003-1405-0546
Management Information Systems
Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics, International Economics
Asst. Prof. Dr. Engin GÜVENDİ Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Kürtün Meslek Yüksekokulu Ormancılık Bölümü 0000-0003-0211-0660
Watershed Management in Forestry, Silviculture , Conservation and Improvement of Soil and Water Resources, Forestry Sciences, Forest Ecosystems
Quantitative Decision Methods , Statistical Analysis, Applied Statistics
International Logistics, Logistics, Supply Chains, Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management, Information Systems Organisation and Management
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud KADDUM BARTIN ÜNİVERSİTESİ, EDEBİYAT FAKÜLTESİ 0000-0002-9636-4903
Arabic Language, Literature and Culture, Arabic Language and Rhetoric
Regional Economy, Time-Series Analysis, Panel Data Analysis, Development Economics - Macro, Growth, Econometrics (Other), Policy of Treasury, Monetary Policy, Monetary-Banking, Development Economics
Dr. Muharrem AKA KİLİS 7 ARALIK ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-3195-8946
Psychology of Religion, Developmental Psychology, Cultural Psychology
Turkish and Social Sciences Education
Turkish Folk Literature, South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurdan YAĞLI SOYKAN ÇANKIRI KARATEKİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-1482-8250
Psychology of Religion
Operation, Quantitative Decision Methods , Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Labor Economics, Islamic Economy, Microeconomic Theory, Microeconomics, Experimental Economy, Behavioural Economy
Dr. Yıldıray AYDIN Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı 0000-0001-8848-7463
Classroom Education, Education, Values ​​education, Basic Training
Assoc. Prof. Üstüner BİRBEN Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi 0000-0002-3042-220X
Forestry Sciences, Forestry Politics, Economics and Law

Our paper aims to present academic studies, especially in social and human sciences, to the world of science in scientific publishing activities.

Our paper covers academic studies in political science and public administration, law, sociology, literature, philosophy, history, geography, theology, psychology, economics, business, tourism, art history and archeology and similar branches under the main headings of social and human sciences. In addition, our magazine has the possibility to write articles in Arabic and English languages besides Turkish.

USOBED (International Journal of Western Black Sea Social and Humanities Sciences), published by the Association of Academies of Western Black Sea; It has been broadcasting since 2017 in social and human sciences such as Economics, Business, Finance, Political Science, Public Administration, International Relations, Labor Economics, Industrial Relations, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Islamic Science and Geography.

It is a refreed 
journal and is published twice a year in June and December.

Articles submitted to the editorial board are subject to the evaluation of two or when necessary three specialist experts, in the Refree Board after a preliminary examination.

Desired work of publication of our journal must be submitted to the editorial board in accordance with the following writing rules and other conditions.

There should not be any descriptive information about the writer on the article. Information such as author name / names, location / locations, e-mail, etc. will be added to the article by the editor at the end of the process.

If the article has more than one author, do not forget to add other authors / writers by clicking on the "add author" button in the relevant section of the article uploading step.

Only the articles not published elsewhere or not yet in the evaluation process to be published can be submitted to the journal.

At the end of the evaluation process, if the article is accepted for publication, all publishing rights of the article are owned by USOBED 



Every process in the evaluation step of the article submitted to USOBED journal is sent to the authors by e-mail.

However, some messages sent over the system are blocked by the author's e-mail server or are thrown into the spam folder.

In this case, the negative result such as reports or correction requests not reaching the author is coming out and the evaluation process is lengthening.

It would be healthy for the authors to follow the relevant steps through the system in order to avoid a possible lack of communication.

The headline article should be descriptive and constitute the main issues of the article.

Titles in Turkish and English should not exceed 12 words if possible.

The title of the manuscript should be written in capital letters in 12 pt and bold; The concept of "essence" should be used instead of abstract.

Abstract should contain a brief summary of each of the main sections of the article and contain information that will enable the reader to decide to read the article in its entirety.

All main headings, including abstract, should be written in 12 pt large letters, subheadings in small letters, bold and 12 pt.

Articles submitted to our journal may be in Turkish or foreign language (English, French or German).

A maximum of 100-150 words should be added with the Turkish and English languages (English and Turkish title should be included).

Also, under this abstract, there should be "keywords" in Turkish and English which can define the field of the work.

Summary if any; should be included at the end of the article, the information given should be expressed more broadly than abstract. Any findings or consequences that are not included in the research text should not be included. References should not be included in the text. In the method part of the articles, information about the ethics committee approval should be given.

Articles A4 size paper should be written in the following format. The article, including the bibliography, should not exceed 25 pages in number of pages and 8000 words in number of words.

Top: 2,5 cm Left: 2,5 cm Bottom: 2,5 cm Right: 2,5 cm Character: Times New Roman 12 pts Row Spacing: 1.5
The article should be sent via dergipark system.

In addition, the copyrigt form signed by the author / authors must be scanned and sent through the same system.

When uploading an article to the journal, use the Draft Article. Works that do not comply with the draft article will be returned.

Along with the full text of the article, the Copyright Transfer Form and the Ethics Committee Approval Certificate should also be uploaded. In studies that do not need an Ethics Committee Approval Certificate in their research, a petition stating this should be uploaded to

Subject headings in the article should be numbered according to Arabic system (1., 1.1, etc.)

The dimensions and general design of the 
journal should be taken into account when preparing the tables and figures.

Shapes and tables should be titled and numbered and should be centered on the page. Title; should be placed above the tables and under the shapes.

Equations should be given a sequence number.

The sequence number must be in parentheses and at the far right of the page.

All articles; Should be written in a format that conforms to the spelling guidelines outlined in the "American Psychological Association (APA)," The Journal of the American Psychological Association (6th edition), 2001 ".

The 6th edition of Apa should be the version that authors will consider.


Internet address for mentioned source; ,

Sources should be written in Latin alphabet.

DOI numbers ,if any, should be added at the end of the source.

For example;Silverson, B. E. (2011). Fundemental of Personal Initiative. Journal Of Management and Economics: General, 224, 202 – 253. Doi: 10.1037/0056- 3245.134.2.248

Otherwise, the URL numbers for the article are written.

If the original dates of the classical works (Adam Smith, Marx, Locke, etc.) are known, they are given at the end of the source as follows: (The original work is dated 1882)

From the same surname author, even if the publication is older, the first letter of authors' name is taken into account  when sequencing in the bibliography

For example;Vasfi, E. (1998). Hukuki Terimler, Ankara: Vadi. Vasfi, L. (2007). Hukuk Reformları Sürecinde Türkiye‟nin İnsan Hakları Sorunu. İnsan Hakları Haberciliği, (derl.) Sevda Alankuş, İstanbul: STE Vakfı.

• When indicating the Books and Reports in the bibliography, the place where it was published first, then the bookstore, the name of the publishing house are written without specifying attachments such as "bookstore", "publishing house", "publication".

For example;

Ankara: Dost

İstanbul: Nesa

İstanbul: Sabancı Vakfı

New York, NY: McGreen – Hill

• Single-author book Ansel, N. (2006). Sessiz Gün. İstanbul: Deki.

Carlsen, S. (2009). Matrix: Ya da Sapkınlığın İki Yüzü. Bahadır Turan (Çev.). İstanbul: Encore.

• Multiple-author book

Abisel, N., Arslan, U.T., Behçetoğulları, P., Karadoğan, A., Öztürk, S.R. & Ulusay, N. (2005). Çok Tuhaf Çok Tanıdık. İstanbul: Metis.

• Edited book

Katip, M. (Ed.) (2007). Kamusal Fayda. Ankara: İmge.

• Section in an Edited book

 Akyol, B. (2004). Saha Çalışmalarında Kamusal Alan Kavramı. Kemal Özbek (Ed.), Kamusal Alan Dahilinde (s. 689-713). Ankara: Dost.

• Books with multiple prints

 Straight, W. Jr. & Walles, E. B. (2004). The Elements of World(7. Baskı). New York: Longman.

• Only electronically published book

 O'Keefe, E. (n.d.). Egoism & the cnsts in Western values. Erişim .asp litem I 135

• E-book verison of book

Shelton, M. A (1989). Magazine addiction? A study of Social Life [DX Reader version]. Retrieved from

• In the electronic address, the URL from which the source is available is given,

• Electronic Articles

Bulunması durumunda digital object identifier (DOI) numarası belirtilmelidir.

Rousseau, S. C. (2009). What is Freedom ?. Knowledge Management

Research & Practice. Advance online publication. doi: 1 0.1


• E-newspaper articles

Seran, Ö. (2010, 21 Ocak). Televizyon alışkanlıklarımız ve çocuklar.

• A new edition of a previous edition (especially in classical editions)

Smith, A. (1976). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. E. Cannan (Ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (İlk baskı 1776).

Metin İçinde Kullanımı :(Smith, 1776/1976)

• Section translated from a book

In the Bibliography: Hengel, M. (1958). The Best Quality. T. Prast (Çev.). Chicago: Charles Scribner‟s Son. (İlk baskı. 1912-1917).

• Report and Technical Artciles

Özer, H. (2008). Mediscape Turkey 2000 (Report No. 2). Ankara:


• Journal Single-author Article

Cenah, Y. (2009). Geçmişin Sosyolojik Baskısı: Tarihsel ve Toplumsal Akla Doğru. Toplum ve Bilim, 12, 202-240.

• Journal Multiple-author Article

Bilken, F. S., Çelik, P. (1998). Müzakere Yöntemleri. Kültür ve İletişim, 2 (1), 397-414.


• Editorial Writings with unknown authors

Editorial Writings with unknown authors

Editorial: "What is a Chaos" [Editorial]. (2006). Journal of Management and Business, 25, 8-10.

• For Newspaper and Journal Writings with unknown authors

In the Bibliography: Türkiye ve Rusya İlişkileri Ne Yönde: Bir Tarih, İki Devlet. (2003, 13 Aralık). Hürriyet, 36.

In text: (Türkiye Rusya İlişkileri Ne Yönde, 2003)

• Newspaper and Journal Writings with certain author

Öymen, F. (2013, 29 Aralık). Siyaset ve Ekonomi. Milliyet, s.21.

• Unpublished Theses, Poster Writings , Papers

If it is downloaded from YÖK (Higher Education Board), the address of Url should be written at the end of the source.

Erkan, F. (2012). Politika ve Yansıması: Mardin’de Sosyolojik Altyapı. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Celal Bayar Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Manisa.

• Encyclopedias

In the Bibliography: Ottomans: History. (1997). Encyclopaedia Britannica içinde (12. Baskı. Cilt. 14, s. 1170- 1188). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

In text: (Ottomans: History, 1987)

• Dictionaries

In the Bibliography: Hellmender. (208). Political Dictionary (11. Baskı). Los Angeles, Longman.

In text: (Helmmender, 2008)

• Interview

Şenay, YILDIZ. (2012).Rusya Ukrayna’ya Girerse Çekoslovakya Gibi

Olur. Cengiz SAĞAN ile söyleşi. Akşam. 28 Temmuz 2003.Erişim

Tarihi 13 Ocak 2004,

• Television Programmes

In the Bibliography: Long, T. (Author), ve Moore, S. D. (Director). (2002). Bart vs. Lisa vs. 3. Sınıf [Television series]. B. Oakley ve J. Weinstein

(Producer), Simpsonlar içinde. Episode: 1403 F55079. Fox.

In text: (Simpsonlar, 2002)

• Film

In the Bibliography: Micheal, K. (Yönetmen/Senaryo Yazarı). (2001).

Economist[Film]. U.S.: Warner Bros.

In text: (Economist, 2001)

• Photography

In the Bibliography: Ara, Güler. (1987). Ankara Milli Parkı [Fotoğraf]. Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, Ankara.

In text : (Ara, 1987)

Article publishing process is as follows:-

After they have passed the evaluation process of the refrees to be designated in the "Refree Committee", articles will be returned to the author for correction, if any.

The author must return it after making the corrections requested by the referee.

The author (s) are responsible for non-compliance with the rules set forth in this announcement. 

In such a case, regardless of the referee evaluation report, the 
journal Publication Commission reserves the right not to publish the relevant article. 

The recommendations of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration in scientific manuscripts submitted to the journal.


1-Studies requiring Ethics Committee approval (studies requiring survey or scale application, including interviews and observations; documents, pictures, questionnaires, etc. developed by others and requiring permission for use) (For research conducted in all branches of science, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental human and animal studies requiring ethics committee approval, separate ethics committee approval must be obtained, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.), the necessary permissions from ethics committees or commissions must be obtained before the research is conducted, and these must be specified in the article content or presented as an attachment. In the absence of these permissions, the publication will be returned to the author at the preliminary review stage.
2-In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case presentations, information on the signature of the informed consent form must be included in the article.
3- Copyright regulations must be complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

4-Raw data related to the research under peer review must be provided when requested by the reviewers. It is obligatory to provide the data as needed after publication of the article.

Ethical Rules for Authors

Authors guarantee that their work is original and when they include ideas, language, pictures, graphs and tables of other researchers in their work, they must indicate this as a citation. Citation without acknowledging the source is plagiarism.
Each author mentioned in the study is equally responsible for the content of the study. It is unacceptable that the researcher's name is not included in the study even though he/she has contributed to the study or that his/her name is unfairly included even though he/she has not contributed to the study.
Authors must remain faithful to the findings of their research. Changing the findings, fabricating findings and results, and conducting research based on them are out of the question. Tampering with data and materials, deleting, omitting, or skipping the interpretation of difficult to deal with data is a breach of trust.
Simultaneous submission of work to journals is out of the question. Authors cannot submit their previously published works to the journal.

Code of Ethics for Reviewers

Reviewers should be aware that the evaluation process is confidential and should not be shared with outside third parties.
The referees must submit an objective, impartial, scientific, clear and constructive evaluation report on the manuscript within the set deadline.

Referee reports will include an assessment of the scientific quality of the article (the topic addressed, the methodology used, or the appropriate use of relevant literature). This evaluation, whether positive or negative, must be made on the content.

Dergiye makale gönderimi veya dergide makale yayın ücreti adı altında herhangi bir ücret talep edilmemektedir.

All articles sent to the journal are checked by the plagiarism program before the evaluation process.

USOBED works under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

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